After reading the above conversation between my dear and I, what do you think? You have an answer in your mind already? No? Come on, get one!
My thought is:
Most of us didn't realise that we used to take things for granted! Agree? Like my dear, he pretends there's nothing happened even though he realized I did something for him. I know he is happy on that but still, he resist to say " thank you, my dear!". I purposely reminded him, and lead him to say something. That's why the above conversation came in.
Most of us didn't realise that we used to take things for granted! Agree? Like my dear, he pretends there's nothing happened even though he realized I did something for him. I know he is happy on that but still, he resist to say " thank you, my dear!". I purposely reminded him, and lead him to say something. That's why the above conversation came in.
Why do we feel so difficult to convey our thankful to our loved ones? Are they supposed to help us to get things done? Why are we pretending nothing happened, even though deep inside our hearts, we are so grateful?
Well, this is what we called MEN!! Hubby hardly say the 3 magic words ever since we got married. But I know he is!!
Hehe, new kid, my dear hah, even worse, the 3 magic words only appear in the e-love letter or MSN chat only, not speak out face to face. :(
er..since i got married 5 years ago, the 3 magic words suddenly disappear too..not sure why!
Kadus Mama, seems like we still anticipating for the 3 magic word hor?
ahaha..the 3 magic words only appear online and not face to face? maybe they're embarrassed to say it or something...or expect you to know already? guys..weird species they are..
Nana, not romantic hor?
Yeah, men tend to hide their emotion...... after seeing wifes' comments here, I felt very fortunate because my hubby can say those 3 words to me face to face..... of course not every day lar.. on special nights...he he he..
Wai Wai, wah, after married for so many years, still melting in his 3 words, so good ya.
hmmm... looks like wai wai's husband gotta give our husband some magic words course or training lor. :D
New kid, I personally know Wai Wai, so it's really true that both of them are still so in love although their eldest daughter already 6 years old.
To my hubby: Dear, I want the 3 magic words, can? :P
Course... ok ok ok, gather the men and I arrange hubby to break their "golden" lips....
oh new kid, when free? Got to ask our hubby to attend Mr. Ling's class. Mr. Ling = Wai Wai's hubby.
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