Sunday, July 6, 2008

Lazy Days

Hmm...Sunday night again...Tomorrow will be another Monday blue, sigh...

Anyway, I took a good rest for these 2 days. Not feeling wanna step out from my comfort home, so I spend these 2 days by just sitting at home, doing household chores, trying out new dessert recipe, watching ASTRO, and taking long nap in the afternoon. :) Like this, sure put on weight, don't care la, as long as I'm happy, so what?? Actually, I planned to take a stroll at the seaside near my house this afternoon, but failed to do so, cuz my dear and I were both over-slept. Hehe...See if next Sunday we are able to fulfill the plan. :P

Till here, hope you all enjoy your weekend too.


New Kid on the Blog said...

Ooo.... you have a good weekend. I didn't have one. Mine was boring and boring. The weather is too hot for me to stay at home, thus I went out on Sunday. Saturday was a working day for me (last min request from superior). :(

Little Inbox said...

new kid, yea, hot weather. You know what? I on the air cond and took long nap, hehe...

KaDusMama said...

wah! sounds like a good weekend 'tai-tai' like that.. :)

Little Inbox said...

Yea, kadus mama, a happy "tai tai", hehehe... :P