Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Characteristics Of Dugong

See the Dugong picture? It's cute, isn't it? It's drawn by my artistic colleague in the class this afternoon. :)

In today's training course on Dynamic Leadership Program, we learned about dugong's characteristics. Dugong or what we call as Sea Cow is an extint mammal. It was a tame animal and huge in size. We were asked to link Dugong's characters with Human's characters. Ok, let's see ya...

I'm quite disappointed that our trainer did not feed us with much input, so I have to think and process the lesson learned from the above table. This is how I interpret it in my own ways...

In order to travel to our new destination, we have to adapt to changes, rather than staying in our comfort zone. We have to be patient, and paying effort consistently. We shall be approachable, so that we are open to other's opinions and thoughts. Digest those positive points and factors which will assist us so that we can sail smoothly along our life journey to be an outstanding individual.

Is this acceptable?

*P/S: hubby's intepretation is that if we have all those characteristics like the dugong, it will lead us to extinction. :P


New Kid on the Blog said...

it took me some time to know what is Dugong. :)

Little Inbox said...

new kid, it's a rare species now, the trainer show us photo.

Liang Mui said...

har?? i stil cant get the steps to play.. i wanna try it too :D

Little Inbox said...

liang mui, just concentrate on the table, see what you are able to understand and what's your interpretation.

Liang Mui said...

oooo... ok ok.. ur hubby is correct too.. if we hv everyting the dugong hv, we're leading towards extinction.. wahhaha :P

Mommy Lose Weight said...

Hi, I have added u in my blogroll :)

Little Inbox said...

Liang mui, I was shocked when he came out such conclusion. Funny ya...

Hi ling, thanks so much. :D

Lee said...

Hi Little Inbox, interesting posting...but I think the 'dugong' not extinct yet...if I'm not mistaken I recently read about them in Florida....they get hit by boats as they slow moving time mistaken for mermaids too. I may be wrong, but check it out..

Re your this post...let me add, our life today is not a dress enjoy our life.
As well, when we walk down the fairway of life, we must smell the roses for we only get to play one round.
Have a nice day, Lee. ps, if free drop in.

Little Inbox said...

Hi Lee, thanks for your information. have your way to express your thought. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Sea cow and land cow are friends. While the rest of us are working, you all in training are drawing picture? Lucky you. : )

Little Inbox said...

Momokun, the training was not a fruitful one...In fact, the trainer just repeat the same content as per the last training in "Success Begins With Me". Hopefully all the participants will be able to pick up new knowledge in the Module 2.

Wai Wai said...

Ha ha, I like your hubby's interpretation..... funny guy

Little Inbox said...

wai wai, but he didn't look really funny from his appearance hor?