Arghhhhhh!!!!!! I can't control my anger! Going to explode soon!!!!!! Burst out !!!!! The hot and flaming one.
If I keep quiet does it mean I have to listen to one's instruction? Should I be the one that always bullied by other party? No, definitely not!
See the mad dog above? Yes, I would like to learn from this angry dog. Barking loudly in front of those people!!!!!! See anybody dare to make noise anymore??? Huh???!!!
Little Inbox,
Cool down first. Don't let anger lead you to do something you'll regret in future.
Hope you'll feel happier soon!
aiyo aiyo..
who's the fortunate one to make u so angry today ar? cool down babe... come come.. try my muffins.. :D
wah!!! what happend?? why so angry one??
I hope you already cool down now..
I was like you this morning, in fact today whole day!
So geram!!! Till I have no time to blog!!!
little inbox... relax2.. take a deep breath...... huhu
I hope you are ok today! what happend yesterday??
Hi all, thanks for your concern. Much more better now. I don't wanna mention who are those ppl that made me crazy yesterday.
Anyway, thank you everybody!
wah so angry..what happened? hope you're not angry anymore. it's good to vent and let out your anger else you could explode anytime soon. hope you're feeling better now though!
ps/ the corns are really funny hehe!
Sometimes we just have to learn to stand our ground.
Don't let anger consume you. Hope you'll feel better soon.
Nana & CC, eventually i just hiding myself in the room to release my anger. I didn't argue or shout at the person. Phew......
Hmm.. I wonder who did that to little inbox har... normally little inbox that I know quite cool one leh...
Wai Wai, cool also got limit one...Sometimes, I may look cool from outside, but fire already started to burn from the inside. Just that I manage it from exploding.
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