Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Flowers @ Cameron Bharat Tea House

Yup, we went for a quick tour last Saturday. I heard that it is now the strawberry season in Cameron so I nagged hubby to bring me there :) We went to Cameron via Simpang Pulai exit as it is the most convenient route. Our first stop was Cameron Bharat tea house. Hubby couldn't resist to take a few snapshots of the flowers in the tea plantation..


Mama Mia said...

lovely :)


LOL...I imagine LI nagging the hubby (in a manja way)....Dream comes true

nana said...

wow. i havent been to cameron in ages. what is it like there now?

Little Inbox said...

Mama Mia, thank you!

MRC, no lar, I not that manja one, hehe...paiseh lar.

wenn, thanks.

nana, a lot of projects are on-going. Spoil the peaceful highlands.