Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Botanical Garden, Bukit Tinggi

Here are some plant photos for sharing. It's taken during our trip to Botanical Garden, Bukit Tinggi.

See, colourful flowers are blooming. This is how the greenery world is created. Let's enjoy the gift from the earth.


New Kid on the Blog said...

:) Mom have some of those flowers in her garden.

Little Inbox said...

Nice ler, new kid. My mama loves planting also, but due to lack of space, now left so little plants only. MIL also loves gardening, but now she cannot take care of her plants anymore. :( I took some of her plants back home.

KaDusMama said...

wah!! R using one sophisticated camera? Nice shot you have there..

Little Inbox said...

Hi kadus_mama, thank you. Sophisticated camera? Not really lar, I use Sony Cyber-Shot W100.